Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Don't give up!! Hope,Change,Love is on its way:)

I have something very important to say today!

Wake up and Speak up America!

Our Fathers and Mothers has cleared a path for us today. How quickly has we forgotten the battle/ fight which was fraught for us. As you sleep, humanity slips away. Stop pointing fingers at your brothers and sisters and take responsibility for yours actions. We must have accountability for our government and elected people. Our RIGHTS, to vote, freedom of speech, liberty, justice and the right to pursuit happiness....Has taken a back seat to laziness. A price was fully paid for our RIGHTS.. Are we taking a second mortgage out on "OUR RIGHTS".
Not long ago women and people of color could not vote! Do not take this for granted, we must excise our RIGHTS. Chane only comes when we "Wake up and Speak up America! Unemployment, Liberty, Justice, Humanity are just the tip of our problems.
Why does it takes a major target for us to temporary to wake up? It disappoints me that majority of complaints about issues comes from the very source of people who don't VOTE! Everybody counts, Everybody plays a very important part in a better America and a better World. As I have said many times before >"It's about the people, for the people and its takes people to make a differences!"
Wake up and Speak up America!
We have some very serious issues that we must address before November Election.
Unemployment/ Health Care
State of the Country
Liberty/ Immigration
These issues effects our Seniors and on down to our children and grandchildren. Our parents and us continues to build this country. We can't lead from behind, we must take a stand and speak up America! I strongly suggest you and your family write, call or visit your local,state and federal government reps about these issues. Wake up and Speak up America!
We must reach out and help/ work together for a better America. It takes more than Our President to make a change! We must support each others( Democratises, Republican,Indenp, Green Party and any others that I didn't call by name). We must teach, educate, enhance and motive our society! Wake up and Speak up America!
Let us start and continues to work together for a better America! Its takes hard work, understanding, listening and LOVE to make a better society of humanity. Wake up and Speak up America! We can show the world better than we can tell the world "That we are America!"

Much Love
Chef Papi Perez

1 comment:

  1. http://progressillinois.com/news/content/2010/07/13/nelp-over-137000-illinoians-have-lost-jobless-benefits-june-2
